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Hello, in this blog I am going to provide you with a lot of useful Photoshop tutorials. I will include Text and Video tutorials. But I am not going to write the tuts myself. I will search for good tutorials from other tutorial pages and copy/paste it here, and will include the URL of each site in each post, so you can visit that site, too. This is just to provide you with really good tutorials from thousands and thousands that are available, and to support those tutorial sites.
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Cool Shiny Text


This Tutorial is From

Shiny glass logos are all the rage right now and it seems everyone these days (including us) is doing it. So here is a dead easy tutorial on how to create a shiny glass logo in Photoshop.

1. First, create a new file (File > New) with dimensions of 300x300 pixels. Select the Text Tool in your tool panel, click on the canvas and type in some text in a nice thick styled font. I'm using a font called Planet Kosmos which I picked up from

2. Next, in the Layers window, right-click on the text layer and select Blending Options. IN the Layer Style window click on Gradient Overlay. Create a gradient with a dark colour at the top and a lighter colour at the bottom. Here are the settings I have used:

Left Gradient Stop: #50A8E0
Right Gradient Stop: #074189

The key is for the top colour to be rather dark and the bottom to look like its almost a fluorescent colour (or lit up).

3. Now, this step is what makes the shiny glass effect work and may take a few tries before you get it right. Create a new layer above your text layer. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (square selection tool). and create a selection over the top half of the text.

4. Now select the paint bucket tool and fill in your selection. Don't worry about the colour, we are about to get rid of it.

5. Now, in the layers window, right-click on the filled layer and select Blending Options. Now, drag the 'Fill' slider all the way over the 0. This will make your layer appear to have no fill at all. Next, go down to Gradient Overlay and open of the gradient (click on it). Make both stops solid which (#ffffff). Then also change the opacity stoppers so the the left one is nearly 0 and the right one is 100 (see screenshot)

6. We are nearly done. If you still have a selection...selected, press (ctrl-D) to deselect. Now, we are going to select the shape of the text. To do this hold down ctrl and click on the text layer. You should then see the selection in the shap of your text.

7. Now we want to inverse the selection. Shft-Ctrl-I will do this for you. Now, make sure your still on the top layer (the one with the white faded gradient) and hit Delete. This will delete all the gradient outside the shape of the text. If you are using a white background, you won't see the different, but if your not, you will because your white gradient will be in the shape of your text. Here is what is happening on a non-white background:

8. That's it. You now have a shiny glass logo. You can go further and add a stroke and drop shadow to the text like I have done to get the finished product below. Experiment with different colours and gradient settings.

This Tutorial is From


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