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Hello, in this blog I am going to provide you with a lot of useful Photoshop tutorials. I will include Text and Video tutorials. But I am not going to write the tuts myself. I will search for good tutorials from other tutorial pages and copy/paste it here, and will include the URL of each site in each post, so you can visit that site, too. This is just to provide you with really good tutorials from thousands and thousands that are available, and to support those tutorial sites.
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This Tutorial is From


In this tutorial we will create a peaceful, mysterious and beautiful sunset on the highland.

Step 1: Prepare a pic similar like below,which you can clearly see the sky line (Link to the pic in the tut will be provided later in the end of the tutorial)


Step 2 : Use Soft Round Brush,size doesn’t matter but the opacity is only around 10-15% and turn on Air Brush setting.First choose black,and paint one or two times over the forest (don’t touch the sky since the sky will be go over by different color later).Then use #ad651a (or you can use a lighter version of it,since the opacity is around 10-15%,some small different won’t matter,but beware,do not make the color go any darker),go over the sky,try to go all the place just once.You will have something similar to the pic below.


Then,click the icon next to the “Quick Mask” on the layer tab,and then choose Curves,and make the line go like the pic below.


You will have result as below.


Step 3: From now,any new layers will be created in the middle of the original layer and the “Curves” layer.

Create a new layer,fill it with black.Then add Len Flare on it,choose the first type of Len Flares(75%) and try to keep it in the center.


Step 4:

Then,use Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur>Radius : 68

Again,choose Soft Round Brush,with the same settings like the beginning,but with the color #fee020.Then start to brush,the starting point will be the flare,brush down


Keep brush down,make the flare center,to make it looks like the flare is spreading them.Do it till you have something similar like below


Step 5:

After that,go to Blending Option,choose Blend Mode as “Linear Dodge”.You will have result as below


Step 6:

Duplicate the Len Flare layer once,and put the duplicated one on top of it,then go to Blending Option,choose Blend Mode of the duplicated one as “Lighten”

Finally,duplicated the original Len Flare one more time,and put this new layer on top of all layers (except the “Curves” layer),go to Blending Option,and choose the Blend Mode as “Screen”.The result will be like below.


Step 7:

In addition,you can add something more to blend things better (not recommended if you are satisfied with result).Choose the color #ff9e39,and use the same brush settings,then brush from left to right at the place where the sky and the forest meets.(You can go over and over several times until you feel it is fine). Like this screenshot

And,it is done


You might want to check the order of the layers:


This Tutorial is From


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